Place the best-fit products at the right time per store to avoid stockouts and minimize markdowns. Make predictions based on different factors including store layout, display capacity, previous purchases, weather, time of the year, and online behavior
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Video (2 minutes)
Machine Learning based Assortment Optimization combining agile continuous improvement methodology, and flexible customization to accommodate unique business requirements, delivering superior results every week in every category
WatchArticle (2 minutes) is a leading AI cloud company, presenting assortment optimization use-case with the challenges of it, and how to solve those challenges using AI.
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More detailed introduction covering business and technical aspects
White Paper (17 minutes)
Detailed use-case by Microsoft and Neal Analytics building a solution that is meant to maximise sales at every outlet or store, by tuning product assortments using advanced analytics
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How to optimise your category assortments using AI, what ML is, how it works, how it’s used in retail, what analytical assortment optimization do, and how to start implementing it
ReadWhite Paper (15 minutes)
Grocery assortment optimization using AI. This whitepaper that’s presented by Symphony RetailAI goes through the traditional assortment optimization, the need for AI in such a case, and the key benefits expected
ReadThis article goes through how AI contributes effectively compared to humans in some cases such as assortment optimization, the main role of AI in assortment optimization, questions retailers should ask before choosing an assortment optimization solution, and tips for them.
ReadCase studies, Organizational Aspects, Return on Investment examples
White Paper (17 minutes)
McKinsey & Company guide for using Advanced Analytics to empower Assortment optimization. Topics include: Navigation of the assortment optimization cycle, Role of Advanced Analytics, Laying the organisational foundation, & Gettin Started
ReadArticle (11 minutes)
How H&M is using AI on three fronts to optimise assortment planning for it’s 4,200+ stores: analysing online trends, demand & sales forecasting per store, & applying dynamic price optimization
ReadVideo (37 minutes)
A webinar about how 4R’s Assortment Optimization solution drives two key factors: increasing your profits and, at the same time, increasing the overall customer experience.
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Article (10 minutes)
Assortment recommendation in CPG Beverages industry using Reinforcement Learning
ReadTechnical resources that will help you implement the use-case (notebooks, tutorials..)
Video (30 minutes)
AB InBev expands on their ML-based Assortment Planning engine using Regression Models and Collaborative Filtering to predict product demand, in addition to robust optimization techniques
Literature review of many papers showcasing different AI methodologies to optimise Assortment Planning
Building a stochastic model of spatial demand in physical retail, and learning optimal product allocation policy using deep reinforcement learning
ReadData Sets you can use to build Demos, POCs, or test Algorithms
Historical sales data for 1,115 Rossmann stores. The task is to forecast the "Sales" column for the test set. Note that some stores in the dataset were temporarily closed for refurbishment
Off-the-Shelf Products using AI for Fraud Detection
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